The Chicano walkouts had a large effect on the educational system and civil rights in general. The walkouts allowed for Mexican-Americans to be held at the same educational level as other students. Now that, that happen with the walkouts, we now learn about Mexican American history in school. We also know the effects and contributions Mexican-american culture has had on the walkouts. Not only can Mexican-Americans speak Spanish freely, but now other kids can learn Spanish. Now they require two years of Spanish or another foreign language is usually required during high school .Most importantly, the walkouts gave Mexican-Americans a sense of unity and equality. It empowered them to fight for rights in things such as work. The walkouts started the entire Mexican-American cicvil rights movement.
The East Los Angeles Walkouts or Chicano Blowouts were a series of 1968 protests against unequal conditions in Los Angeles Unified School District high schools. While the students who organized and carried out the protests were primarily concerned with the quality of their education, they were also motivated by the high minority death toll in the Vietnam War and the ongoing civil rights campaigns of the Chicano Movement.
The East Los Angeles Walkouts or Chicano Blowouts were a series of 1968 protests against unequal conditions in Los Angeles Unified School District high schools. While the students who organized and carried out the protests were primarily concerned with the quality of their education, they were also motivated by the high minority death toll in the Vietnam War and the ongoing civil rights campaigns of the Chicano Movement.